Windansea Bluff Protection & Belvedere Project

The Friends of Windansea (FOW) and La Jolla Parks and Beaches, Inc. (LJPB) have been working in collaboration with the City of San Diego Parks and Recreation Department on improvements to Windansea Beach since 1997, including construction and replacement of benches and beach access stairs, the parking lot, and the post & chain protections of the sensitive coastal slope. FOW have been diligent over the years in maintaining these improvements through painting and repairs, and in securing a Coastal Development Permit to construct further coastal access and bluff protections for this iconic public beach park..
Now that the next round of improvements have been approved in 2023, LJPB and FOW are seeking to raise funds for the approximately $450,000 project through grants and private donations. All donations will be held by LJP&B, a 501c3 non-profit, and earmarked for Windansea Beach Coastal Development Project No. 2444077, per a Fiscal Sponsor Agreement between LJPB & FOW..
At the June 2020 LJP&B meeting, Jim Neri gave a nice, detailed presentation on the proposed rebuilding of the belvedere at Windansea that once stood at foot of Kolmar St.
Jim also spoke to the slope stabilization work and install of low post-and-chain guard railing. Currently working to get proper City permits, and funding will be from Friends of Windansea and La Jolla Parks & Beaches.