The Selma Malk – Picnic Grove at Scripps Park

The Selma Malk Picnic Grove at Scripps Park is an example of La Jolla Parks and Beaches, Inc. (LJPB) commitment and ability to facilitate and spearhead significant projects utilizing private funding to improve and develop existing public assets.
With the opening ceremony in December 2022, the Picnic Grove honors the legacy of Selma Malk, “The Queen of La Jolla” who lived in the nearby La Valencia Hotel for thirty-five years. Selma was known for her passion for bringing La Jollans together and enjoying life in this scenic community from her home overlooking Scripps Park. In partnership with her family, LJPB secured the necessary City of San Diego Right of Entry permits and completed all necessary steps including significant relationship building with the City’s Parks and Recreation Department. Through these relationships and the adept project management of LJPB Director Alexandra Corsi, LJPB was able to establish a trusted working relationship with the City as a community partner with the ability to fundraise, manage, and execute a significant maintenance project in an iconic park. Others on the team included LJPB Directors Ann Dynes, Tim Seery, Bob Evans, and Alan Cronin of GFG Landscaping and Jim Neri of Neri Landscape Architects.
The Selma Malk Picnic Grove features first-of-its-kind in San Diego ‘GraniteCrete’, which provides a solid foundation for the Grove and its three picnic tables and barbecue, while environmentally sensitive for being water permeable and preventing excessive run-off near the bluff-edge. The construction process paid close attention to preserving the original flora of the park and maintained the lowest possible environmental footprint. Additionally, in the spirit of inclusion for all visitors to the park, the Grove is fully ADA compliant with an ADA-accessible picnic table.
Scripps Park Picnic Grove II – under construction
La Jolla Parks and Beaches is continuing to embrace the success of this first project by promoting the development of an area immediately adjacent to the existing Selma Malk Picnic Grove. This second smaller grove, scheduled for Fall 2024, would replicate the concept of the existing one. Being spearheaded by LJPB Director Rev. Tim Seery and Alexandra Corsi and team of fellow LJPB Directors, this project seeks to continue to promote the values of the community connection and engagement that Selma Malk championed in her 103-year life.